Craft Space Tour 2014 {Crochet Cave Video Tour}

If you’re a video person, feel free to watch this video tour of my craft area. Please note that I’m not a videographer or vlogger; I didn’t spend hours editing this video – I just put it together because my Facebook fans indicated that they would love to see it. I stumble over a few words and use the wrong word a couple of times – you would never imagine how nervous someone can be making a video. I was unable to record using my Canon 60D because I don’t have the right type of SD card. I will try to refilm at that point.
Enjoyed the tour! I wish our play room were big enough for me to have it double as a crochet room as well! 🙂 love your yarn storage!
Such a lovely room tour! Thank you for all the great ideas. Love how it's so inviting, yet functional! Happy crocheting!
Hi Lauren! Wow, I thoroughly enjoyed the video and getting to 'know' you a little bit better. I absolutely love your crochet work so I really liked seeing where all the 'magic' happens, as well as your yarn stash and how you organize it and your other craft items. I agree that it is really important to have a cozy and comfortable place to lounge, crochet and just relax and enjoy
Ugh…jealousy so does not become me! My craft space is a stack of plastic boxes upon which rests the pillow I use to do my photography on.<br /><br />Your space is awesome and I especially noted that God was in there with you :)<br /><br />Lovely and inspiring, Lauren!
Ugh…jealousy so does not become me! My craft space is a stack of plastic boxes upon which rests the pillow I use to do my photography on.<br /><br />Your space is awesome and I especially noted that God was in there with you :)<br /><br />Lovely and inspiring, Lauren!
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I loved seeing your room! Thanks so much for sharing it with us! I really love the calendar and would love to know the artist, I would love to get one for my craft room. <br />Thanks, Carey